One thing all the time I spend in Alterac Valley has taught me is that a lot of the people in there don't know why we are there, what we are trying to accomplish or how to accomplish it.
Here is a little background on Alterac Valley:
Hidden within the Alterac Mountains, Alterac Valley is the home of Thrall's own clan of Orc's, the Frostwolves. The Stormpike Dwarves have established a foothold in the valley and seek to plumb it's depths for riches and links to their ancestral past. The territorial Frostwolves, unwilling to suffer the dwarven incursion, have rallied an army... an army eager for righteous slaughter.
Alterac Valley (AV) is a 40 versus 40 PvP (Player versus Player) battleground. The Alliance are fighting for the Stormpike Guard and the Horde are fighting for the Frostwolf Clan. There is a book for the Alliance, The Frostwolf Artichoke - "Tales of Stormpike Glory - By Vanndar Stormpike" that is available free to all Alliance players from Thanthaldis Snowgleam, located in the Hillsbrad Foothills in the Alterac Mountains. This book, cleverly disguised as lore, is actually a step-by-step "How-To" guide for the Alliance to win in Alterac Valley. I believe there is also a Horde version, there must be, but I don't know what it is, sorry. I suggest every Alliance player reads and understands The Frostwolf Artichoke before they ever step foot in Alterac Valley.
Here is The Frostwolf Artichoke in it’s entirety:
* Chapter 1 - The Front Line
The front lines of the Frostwolf defenses are comprised of Frostwolf Warriors. The warriors are deployed to the front lines from Captain Galvangar's fortress: Iceblood Garrison. The most efficient manner in which to take out this layer of the defenses is to destroy Iceblood Garrison.
Lay siege to the fortress and destroy Captain Galvangar. Once this is done, the front lines will crumble.
* Chapter 2 - Iceblood and Tower Point
Once the first layer is down, the second layer of the 'artichoke' will be exposed. Destroying the Frostwolf towers that sit near the front lines will cripple the Legionnaire and patrols that swarm the rear flank.
The towers are heavily fortified, each housing one of Drek'Thar's elite Commanders. They must be killed. This will expedite the dismantling of the Frostwolf defenses.
* Chapter 3 - The Four Commanders
If you have been following the wisdom of this guide, then by now, two of Drek'Thar's Commanders are dead. Good work, soldier! Their resolve is already weakening. You must now complete the dissemination of the chain of command by slaying the remaining two commanders.
With all four of the Commanders slain, the Frostwolf Legionnaires that guard Frostwolf Keep will be scattered - left without command. Ripe for the picking!
* Chapter 4 - The East and West Frostwolf Towers
There is now only one layer standing between you and victory; Drek'Thar's most trusted and powerful guard units: The Frostwolf Guardians.
The Frostwolf Guardians are sent out from the platoons held in reserve at the east and west Frostwolf towers. Destroy those towers and watch the remaining Frostwolf Guardians flee in shame.
* Epilogue
"Smother the heart of the artichoke with garlic butter and mayonnaise. Compliment the meal with an aged, heady ale."
Drek'Thar now stands alone, his two mutts at his side. Capture the Frostwolf Relief Hut to aid in your battle and destroy Drek'Thar. When the General falls, this land will finally turn over to its rightful owner: The Stormpike.
In a nutshell this is telling you to kill Captain Galvangar, take down the 4 towers, which will leave Drek'Thar alone except for his two frostwolves, and capture the Relief Hut. Then you are set to kill Drek'Thar. This is pretty easy stuff, yet most Alliance have no clue how to go about winning in Alterac Valley.
Some other facts:
Each Tower/Bunker represents +25% health to Vanndar Stormpike or Drek'Thar and a Warmaster/Marshall by their side. This means with 4 Towers/Bunkers up, the General is at 200% health and has 4 Warmasters/Marshalls backing his play.
Each player death costs 1 reinforcement.
The mines give you reinforcements.
Each Tower/Bunker is worth 75 reinforcements.
Captain Galvangar and Captain Balinda Stonehearth are worth 100 reinforcements each.
Killing the opposing factions General wins the battle.
Running out of reinforcements loses the battle.