The Battle for Alterac Valley
The battle rages on in Alterac Valley and Saturday brought back some memories, memories of how it used to be in Alterac Valley for the Alliance. I fought in 26 battles on Brieanna Saturday, 19 wins and 7 losses. That is the way it always used to be in Alterac Valley for the Alliance.
We were unstoppable for the most part. We were zerging, blitzing, taking towers, killing Galv, it seemed whatever we tried we won. We had at least a half dozen successful blitz's, at least that many zerg's and won a few turtles when the Horde decided to do that. I got a lot of kills and a lot of honor in there Saturday.
It was also my daily battleground on Saturday so I got that done in the second battle I was in. Yes, we lost the first one I was in and I hoped that wouldn't set the pace and it didn't. I love it when AV is my daily BG, I usually always fight in AV anyway so it is like free gold and honor, not to mention the arena points you get for your daily these days.
Sunday was a different story, it was back to business as usual for the Alliance in there. I fought in a total of 18 battles on Brieanna, 8 wins and 10 losses. It never ceases to amaze me how the Alliance can do so well in a battleground one day and so bad in the same battleground the next day, but it happens all the time. And not just AV either, we can win every battle in Isle of Conquest one day and lose every battle the next day. Same goes for all the other battlegrounds except Warsong Gulch which we just consistently lose in.
We were unstoppable for the most part. We were zerging, blitzing, taking towers, killing Galv, it seemed whatever we tried we won. We had at least a half dozen successful blitz's, at least that many zerg's and won a few turtles when the Horde decided to do that. I got a lot of kills and a lot of honor in there Saturday.
It was also my daily battleground on Saturday so I got that done in the second battle I was in. Yes, we lost the first one I was in and I hoped that wouldn't set the pace and it didn't. I love it when AV is my daily BG, I usually always fight in AV anyway so it is like free gold and honor, not to mention the arena points you get for your daily these days.
Sunday was a different story, it was back to business as usual for the Alliance in there. I fought in a total of 18 battles on Brieanna, 8 wins and 10 losses. It never ceases to amaze me how the Alliance can do so well in a battleground one day and so bad in the same battleground the next day, but it happens all the time. And not just AV either, we can win every battle in Isle of Conquest one day and lose every battle the next day. Same goes for all the other battlegrounds except Warsong Gulch which we just consistently lose in.