Sunday, February 14, 2010

Give a Bunker, Take a Tower 2/13/10

The Alliance was still not doing too well in Alterac Valley today. I fought in 16 battles on Brieanna, 6 wins and 10 losses.

On one hand it will be nice when the holiday weekend is over and all the weekend warriors are gone along with a lot of the AFK, on the other hand it will probably mean the wait time to queue will go back up to hours.

We had the usual problem in most our battles of people not working together, people not following any kind of plan that was agreed on. And, of course, people going after Galv even though they knew he was packed full of Horde and they were going to wipe, causing us to lose. Same good old stuff. SHGY played a big role in a lot of our losses. I guess this is the bracket where people get attached to SHGY and won't let it go because we had a lot of that going on. Almost all our team would be at SHGY defending it for the loss.


The Battle for Alterac Valley - 2/12/10

The Alliance wasn't doing well in Alterac Valley at all. I fought in 9 battles on Brieanna, 2 wins and 7 losses...

People just would not work together. The Horde were defending Galv, like they tend to do sometimes, so the best thing to do then is skip him. Do you think we could get people to do that? Nope. Galv is a Tard Magnet. People can not go by him without running in there even when someone announces that he is packed wall to wall with Horde. The Horde will have half their team in there defending him. The Alliance run in there like sheep to the slaughter. They also have IBGY because you can't get anyone to skip Galv and cap that first, so they just keep rezzing and running back in there until all the Alliance are wiped out. IBGY is practically right next door to Galv so they have no problem doing that. That sends all the Alliance either back to SHYG or one of the graveyards in Dun Baldar.

Needless to say with that group we didn't down Drek. Hell, we couldn't even cap a tower with that group, no one wants to defend anything. We won the 2 we won on reinforcements somehow. There were a lot of AFK, it's the holiday weekend, and a lot of weekend warriors, people who only come into the battlegrounds on their holiday weekend for the extra honor and have no clue at all what they are doing. They don't seem to be able to follow directions either. It is really sad that we can't get some wins in there on the holiday weekend and soak up some of that extra honor.


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