Saturday, February 27, 2010

Alterac Valley - Daily Battleground 2/26/10

Today Brieanna's daily battleground was Alterac Valley. I have been staying away from Alterac Valley and pretty much all the other battlegrounds lately as the Alliance is doing so poorly in them, but I decided to give it a try.

It wasn't too bad, we won the second battle I was in. Even the first battle we lost wasn't too bad, we came very close to killing Drek, and would have if the Horde hadn't gotten Vann down first. The battle started off pretty even in numbers, I think we were short 3 people. The second battle started off about the same numbers and someone said we were up against a Blackrock pre-made. That is usually when everyone gives up, but this time we decided to make it really hard for them. There were a lot of Horde players from Blackrock, but if it was a pre-made is was one of the saddest ones I have ever seen. We wiped them at Balinda, while half or more of their team was waiting at Galv for us I'm sure. They had quite a few on defense but we rolled right through them. We capped IBT and TP, took IBGY and killed Galv. Then we moved into Frostwolf Keep and took those towers and the relief hut. Once those capped we went in and killed Drek. It was all pretty simple.

I fought in 4 battles for Wintergrasp today too. It seems to me that the Alliance is striving to prove that they suck in all the battlegrounds lately. I used to see a turtle fail in Wintergrasp about once a week where everyone would stay in the keep. That is a guaranteed loss. Now I am seeing that happen twice a day or so... When we are on defense we need to take down the 3 Horde towers, there is no way around that, that is how you win. When we get a group of idiots that just stay in the keep, the towers do not go down and we have a long slow loss. Taking down the 3 Horde towers knocks 10 minutes off the timer. That reduces the time considerably that they have to capture the keep. People know this, or should, but still decide to stay in the keep and fail...

I fought in one battle for Strand of the Ancients today too, a win. It was my second battle in there and my first win. It was SoA's holiday weekend so I got extra honor for fighting in there. I may go back in there this weekend before it is over, I'm not sure.

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