Alterac Valley - Daily Battleground 3/12/10
My daily battleground today was Alterac Valley again. I did it on Brieanna and we won the second one I was in.
We lost the first one to a failed blitz. Most blitz's fail and the reason for that is no planning. The people that are yelling "BLITZ" while we are in the cave, I call them Blitztards, aren't even bothering to see if we have a tank and heals for the blitz. You need to have a pretty good tank to tank Drek and 4 Warmasters when Drek is at 200% health but they don't worry about that, they just worry about getting everyone to the keep. Once we are all at the keep they will ask "We got a tank?". Half the time we don't and today was no exception. The next thing that is usually said is "Well, we're all here, lets try anyway". Fail...
In the second battle we also blitz'd but it was better thought out. There was a tank lined up and marked. Heals lined up and marked. We all went to the keep, and by all I mean about 15 of us, that is the best you can hope for out of 40 people to follow the simple "All to Drek, don't stop for anything" plan. Out of the 25 that didn't make it, 10+ were AFK and the rest probably can't read. Anyway the 15 of us got to Drek and took him down without a problem. I find I have to hold back a little bit when there are 4 Warmasters up or they come over and kill me, generating too much threat.
The last of the three battles I fought in was also a failed blitz. This one failed because people were sick of the failed blitz and didn't go. That is another problem, people spamming 3 or 4 plans before the gate opens. That causes the team to get broken up into 3 or 4 groups, all of which fail at whatever they are trying to do because there is no teamwork. I called it quits after that, it was the weekend already in AUS and the kids were on, we weren't going to win anything in AV that night.

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