Isle of Conquest - Daily Battleground 3/13/10
Brieanna's daily battleground today was Isle of Conquest. There is really not much to say, I fought in 5 battles, all losses. 5 is the maximum number of losing battles I will fight in trying to get my daily done. I hear people in the battlegrounds saying they have fought in 20+ battles trying to get it done, not me, when you are in with fail groups it is better to cut your losses. The weekend is a hard time to get your daily done.
We just had really bad groups. Any plans that were mentioned were fail from the get go. Two of the plans involved getting the docks. The Horde sends almost their entire team to the docks, we never get the docks at the start and trying for them is a waste of time. The plan was to have people go to the Docks, the Workshop and the Hangar. Those are the 3 main points. The Horde sends whatever part of their team that doesn't go to the docks to the Workshop, we usually get the Hangar with only a token fight from the Horde. Sometimes we get the Workshop.
In the last battle I was in we had the gates to the Horde keep down for over 10 minutes and didn't kill their leader, Overlord Agmar. At that time, when we should have been in their keep killing their leader, we had people trying to get the Docks, people defending the Workshop, and people riding around in siege machines. That will give you an idea of the mentality of the people I was fighting with today. We lost that one on reinforcements, it was really sad. I was glad that was my last battle, I don't know if I could have taken any more.

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