The Battle for Alterac Valley
I haven't been getting into the battlegrounds too much on Brieanna lately, I have been running a lot of Dungeons, you can read all about that at our other blog, A World of Warcraft Blog.
I did get to do some AV the other day though. The Alliance was having a so-so day in there with 4 wins and 3 losses.
There was a lot of zerging going on, it seems to be all people want to do lately. That would not be a bad thing if it were more thought out, but it isn't. To have a successful zerg you need to put more effort into it that just yelling "ZERG!" when the gate opens. To have it work you need to find and assign a tank. You need to find and assign healers. You also need to make sure you have enough DPS willing to commit to the zerg too. It is best to mark the tank and heals before setting out. I don't know how many times we end up at Frostwolf Keep only to find we don't have a tank, or we don't have heals, or only 6 or 7 people showed up. That right there is usually a loss. The Horde just come back in numbers and wipe out the few people there and take their towers and relief hut back.
We did have a couple successful blitz's though. Those were the ones where the tank and heals were identified and committed before the gate opened. We also had enough DPS make it to Drek to pull it off. Drek is at 200% health and has 4 Warmasters with him when there are 4 towers up, you're not going to pet tank him. And if you don't have a tank that can hold all 5, or an off tank or two to take care of the warmasters, you are going to fail as the Warmasters just kill the heals and DPS. I have seen that happen too many times to count. Most of the losses were the result of poorly planned zergs.
I did get to do some AV the other day though. The Alliance was having a so-so day in there with 4 wins and 3 losses.

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