The Battle for Alterac Valley
I only got to fight in Alterac Valley a couple times in the last couple days, I have been doing dungeons on Brieanna and leveling my Shaman, Breeonna.
I fought in 2 battles, one win and one loss. The loss was the result of a failed zerg/blitz attempt.
I can't even begin to tell you how sick and tired I am of hearing "ZERG" and "BLITZ" every time I go into that battleground. And it is every single time. The majority of the time it doesn't work because people have their own plan, they don't say anything so everyone can get on the same page, they just have their own plan. Needless to say that ends up in a loss most the time.
In the battle we won, we took out Galv, took down all 4 towers, then killed Drek. It was a maximum honor game.
That happened as the result of a failed zerg. You also get the people that will say, when everyone is supposed to be zerging, "A few people get the towers, and a few get the graveyards, and a few more get Galv in case the zerg doesn't work". Well, of course it's not going to work at that point, the zerg is dependent on everyone going to Drek. You have people taking towers, graveyards and Galv while you're trying to zerg, it will fail every time.
I fought in 2 battles, one win and one loss. The loss was the result of a failed zerg/blitz attempt.

In the battle we won, we took out Galv, took down all 4 towers, then killed Drek. It was a maximum honor game.