Sunday, February 21, 2010

Alterac Valley - 2/19/10

The Alliance is doing terrible in Alterac Valley. I don't know what the problem is in this battleground the Alliance used to dominate but we can't seem to win anything in there anymore. I fought in 30 battles on Brieanna, 10 wins and 20 losses.

People will not work together in there. I was in so many failed Zerg's and Blitz's I lost count. In battle after battle people would agree to a Blitz then, after the gates opened, someone would start spamming a different plan. The majority of the Alliance players are not too bright to begin with and that is all it takes to create mass confusion. Now you have two people trying to out spam each other with two different plans and everything just falls apart. In a zerg, when we actually start with 40 players assuming QQ pre-mades doesn't screw up the queues, we are lucky to get 10 people that actually make it to Drek. That number goes down considerably with the less players we have. That's another thing too, these zerg happy idiots will still call out for a zerg even if we only have 15 players. Out of 15 players you are lucky if 4 make it to Drek.

Galv is another major factor in losses. It does not matter if there are 30 Horde players standing right in front of Galv, the Alliance will just ride right in there and get slaughtered. They do it time and time again even though they are told his room is packed full of Horde. You see, Galv is a Tard magnet and they really can't help themselves.

Needless to say most battles end up with us turtled in Dun Baldar for the long slow loss. I really want to transfer to another server in a different battlegroup.


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